m a r k e r i c k s o n p a i n t i n g s Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson Air Corps 1942 - 1945
Click to view Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson's complete thirty five mission list and twelve B-17 Flying Fortresses flown between March 27th thru August 26th, 1944 out of Horham Airfield, England.
My father Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson in June of 1944 mailed from Horham Airfield in England a box of .50 Caliber Machine Gun Cartridges from their B-17, the "Lili of the Lamplight" (44-6085) to his father, my grandfather Frank Severin Erickson. Frank being quite the craftsman & very resourceful made many sets of salt and paper shakers and handed them out to family and friends. Fortunate that my grandmother Clara Amelia (Nelson) Erickson held onto this set. |
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