m a r k e r i c k s o n p a i n t i n g s Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson Air Corps 1942 - 1945
Click to view Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson's complete thirty five mission list and twelve B-17 Flying Fortresses flown between March 27th thru August 26th, 1944 out of Horham Airfield, England.
My father Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson kept a lot of things from his days in the Air Corps days (1942-1945) and I mean a lot! Most was well organized and labeled and we often discussed the stories behind much of his Air Corps collection. Other things were here and there. Photographs and articles displayed on the walls of his office at Skunk Works/Lockheed Aircraft and through out our homes over the years. Air Corps patches and pins, various certificates and paperwork, his A-2 Leather Flight Jacket and uniform, multiple cigar boxes filled with photos and newspaper articles, pieces of flak he dug out the ship's fuselages of the various B-17s he flew and so much more. I call them the "Ernest Anders Erickson Archives," yet they really are so much more. They add up to a great story and a life well lived. Then there are the 100s of letters he'd sent home to his folks in Dakota that were saved in a modified cardboard box kept on the far upper shelf of his closet in his office. I refer to it as "The Box of Letters." It has produced quite the cache of information and items I had never seen before. There is even a letter my father wrote after a mission during the Invasion on June 6th, 1944.
This page below, cut from one of his Air Corps manuals with his hand-written text is one
example. Placed in a letter dated September 1943 to his folks and accompanied by a dozen
photographs of my father that were taken during his Flight Training.
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