m a r k e r i c k s o n p a i n t i n g s Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson Air Corps 1942 - 1945
Click to view Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson's complete thirty five mission list and twelve B-17 Flying Fortresses flown between March 27th thru August 26th, 1944 out of Horham Airfield, England.
A letter my father, a B-17 pilot with the 95th Bomb Group, Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson wrote on his 22nd birthday at Horham on August 4th, 1944 after completing his 30th mission. Written to his folks and 4 year old sister Dian (Dinny), he writes about the naming of their ship, the "Lili of the Lamplight" (44-6085). He also discusses staying over at Horham after he completes his 35 missions flying ships for combat duty inspections. Ernest also mentions his A-2 jacket that he has painted by an artist on base. Lili of the Lamplight A-2 Jacket A truly fascinating letter that covers a lot of ground about his days in the Air Corps.
Dear Folks & Dinny, August 4th, 1944 - England
I was just thinking last night that it was over six months since I’ve had any milk. We’ve been told not to drink the English milk. There’s supposed to be a high T.B. content. It’s been mentioned that after I’ve completed my missions that I will take a job as an engineering officer for the squadron. I will take planes up with new engines and ‘slow time” them. Would check all the instruments and such. I'll learn a lot! I decided definitely to take it, yet it means I would stay here after my tour of duty is completed. I will receive the D.F.C (Distinguished Flying Cross) sometime within the next ten days. They give them for completing 30 missions. I figure all that get them, deserve them. However, the missions the last few months have been quite a bit easier than they were my first two or three months. The mail today is late so i won’t know if I got any letters until after I mail this letter. I got two letters from you yesterday. Dad wrote a half of one of them. I’m getting some designs painted on my leather jacket, so when I get home you can see what it is. The name of our plane is ‘Lili of the Lamplight.’ The name isn’t painted on the ship yet, but we’ll have it put on and want to take some pictures of us and it.
Right now, Dick, a co-pilot on another crew is laying on my sack.
We’re going to go over and eat pretty soon. Will stop and mail this
on the way over. |
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