m a r k e r i c k s o n p a i n t i n g s Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson Air Corps 1942 - 1945
Click to view Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson's complete thirty five mission list and twelve B-17 Flying Fortresses flown between March 27th thru August 26th, 1944 out of Horham Airfield, England.
From Horham Airfield in England
Ernest had piloted the ship "Mirandy" (42-31992) on May 13th, 1944 flying with the 334th Squadron. The "Mirandy" was one of 199 B-17s dispatched to hit the marshaling yard at Osnabruck. 178 ships hit the primary target and 21 ships bomb targets of opportunity. One B-17 is lost and 61 damaged with 2 airmen wounded in action and 10 airmen went missing in action.
My father often wrote these letters from the barracks or the mess hall at Horham.
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