m  a  r  k    e  r  i  c  k  s  o  n    p  a  i  n  t  i  n  g  s

Family Photographs  - 1865 - 2017
Sweden * Italy * England * France * Germany
New York City * California * Colorado * North Dakota

Lt. Earl E. Pirtle pictured here receiving a flying medal awarded to him by Major General Karl Truesdell Jr. at Horham Airfield in England, June 1944. Lt. Pirtle flew as the Bombardier on 20 missions aboard the 'Lili of the Lamplight' (44-6085) along with my dad, Lt. Ernest Anders Erickson.

Lt. Pirtle flew with the 95th Bomb Group and the 334th and 412th Squadrons. He ended up completing 30 missions between March 27th, 1944 (my father's first mission also) aboard the B-17 Mirandy (42-31992) over Cazaux, France and his last mission, a Tactical mission over France on September 1st, 1944 aboard Knock-Out Baby! (42-97257).

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